King Rat

King Rat

King Rat

Quality:- HD

Released:- 1965

Genre:- Action , Drama , War

Country:- United States

Casts:- George Segal, Tom Courtenay, James Fox

King Rat is a 1965 American action drama movie directed & written by Bryan Forbes, James Clavell. Fast-talking wheeler-dealer Corporal King is stuck in a Malaysian P.O.W. camp during World War II and uses bribery and larceny to take de-facto control of the camp.


King Rat


King Rat" (1965) is a WWII drama about survival and power dynamics in a Japanese POW camp. It follows Corporal King, a resourceful and manipulative prisoner who thrives amid scarcity. The film delves into the moral complexities of war and human behavior, highlighting resilience and the struggle for dominance.